President Milo Djukanovic said that “everything in regard to the Mozura project was flawless and clean. Montenegro authorities are totally clean.” Moreover, he solemnly stated “with full responsibility that no one in Montenegro is guilty of anything”. Djukanovic avoided any mention of Cifidex Ltd, which owned the Mozura project for several months. The Ministry of Economy did the same in a statement of 26 July this year, saying that “it did not have any information about the alleged participation of offshore companies 17 Black and Cifidex Ltd in the transfer of shares from the previous to the new concessionaire, nor ever had communication with it, let alone concluded any contracts”. The statement is in collision with existing piles of documents of the Government of Montenegro which are published online by its Tax Administration Department and also in the Official Gazette of Montenegro.
Cifidex Ltd is a company that is under investigation of the European Police Force (EUROPOL) and the Maltese Police Force as part of broader investigation into the murder of the famous Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galicia. Djukanovic’s statement failed to explain how it was possible that the share purchase price in Malta was €10.3 million while the very same contract in Montenegro stated the share price of €3.5 million. Moreover, the mysterious company from the Seychelles is strangely absent from the cabinet meetings records. Djukanovic was the Prime Minister at the time.
This very suspicious business was carried out with active participation of some Montenegrin citizens.
DAN presents a letter of Bojan Vujovic, a representative of the Seychelles-based company Cifidex Ltd, which was the owner of the Možura project for several months, and which shows how the price was inflated through double contracts to extract money and justify a hidden commission of €6.75 million.
The letter was sent on behalf of the Seychelles-based Cifidex Ltd on 28 December 2015 by attorney-at-law Bojan Vujovic from Podgorica to Enemalta PLC (referred to as Purchaser of Mozura shares) and Chinese Shanghai Electric Power Company Ltd. Certain amounts listed therein are significantly higher than those reported in Montenegro. The document was recently disclosed by Malta’s Energy Ministry at the request of Maltese members of parliament. Cifidex explains how it arrived at asking the price of €10.3 million for Mozura Ltd. Just a fortnight earlier it paid only €3.5 million to the Spanish Fersa and to Tomislav Celebic, a businessman in Podgorica – close business partner of President Djukanovic.
Thus, point 2, paragraph a. states the obligation of Cifidex Ltd to compensate Fersa for the wind measurement fee of €1.675 million. However, the share purchase agreement between the said companies signed in Podgorica on 12 Feb 2015 states in clause 3.1.4. that “the Seller (Fersa) shall fully release the Investor (Cifidex)… from the obligation to pay the Seller the wind measurement fee (EUR 1,675 million) and confirm in writing to the Purchaser that such entities have been so released”.
Lastly, Cifidex Ltd bloated the price paid to Tomislav Celebic for his 1% share of Mozura Wind Park Ltd. In the letter to Enemalta and SEP, Bojan Vujovic states that Celebic was paid €800 thousand. On the other hand, the contract signed on 10 February 2015 states the price of €650 thousand for 1% share.
Attorney-at-law Bojan Vujović told us in a phone conversation that he was a mere proxy for Cifidex Ltd. He never saw anyone from the Seychelles-based company, but only followed the instructions of Alun Griffiths, director of another offshore company registered in the Seychelles- GSA Services Ltd which managed Cifidex. The Cifidex-appointed director of Mozura in Montenegro, Vladan Kazic told our team in a short telephone conversation that his appointment back then was “fictive” and that he “cannot remember anything”.
While the media in Montenegro and abroad reveal murky details related to the Mozura project for already some months, Djukanovic blames “the opposition, part of the NGO sector and part of the media” for “trying to damage his authority as president, thereby harming the country’s reputation as well”.
“Our only partner was a state-owned company” Djukanovic said and continued that “Montenegro authorities do not know anything about suspicious business in Malta and have nothing to do with it”.
“Our only partner in that story was their state-owned company. What they did, whether they did something wrong and whether those allegations make any sense, should be figured out by their authorities and by their investigative journalists. We are keen to share as much as we know as a responsible partner. But, we cannot share what we do not have, what we do not know and what happened completely beyond us. No person from Montenegro can bear any responsibility, either then or today – Djukanovic pointed out.
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Authors: Vladimir Otasevic and Jovo Martinovic